Monday, December 29, 2008

A happy house

One of the best things about the holidays is the post Christmas sales. Sendai and I picked up 2 gingerbread house kits at KMart for cheap. We had the kids make them for Family Home Evening. Our house had a bit of an issue with a broken roof but we worked it out with an icing patch job. The kids loved decorating the houses with the candy. Sawyer loved eating all the candy Nerds that fell on the floor. His middle name should have been Hoover.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

This is the first Christmas we have spent at home since having children. In the past, we have always gone to Nebraska. It was nice to not have the stress of traveling for the holidays. Luckily my sister and her family were able to join us. That made it a bit easier to not be so homesick. It was fun having the ILs come down to watch the kids open presents. They've never got to experience it before. The kids got thoroughly spoiled. I feel blessed that we were able to get them so many things. We made sure to include our family tradition of crab for Christmas supper. It was delicious! That is one tradition I hope we never give up.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


That's not snow on the ground. It's ice. The temperature hasn't gotten about 27 the last two days. It sleeted off and on yesterday and for most of the night. Today was a stay inside and bake kind of day. It's crazy to think that on Friday and Saturday the high is suppose to be in the 60's.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Meet #1

Olivia had her first gymnastics meet in Hot Springs on Friday. Paxton stayed with the ILs and the rest of made the two hour trip to the competition. Olivia was so nervous before the meet. She did really well. She got 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th place in 6 year old Level 3s. There were only 6 kids in her age level so I don't know how she got 7th place. They rushed the awards so I think they messed up somewhere. Olivia had a blast. She got a trophy and ribbons and two goody bags. And now she knows what she is working for at the gym.

Warming up:

On the beam:

Floor exercise:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wii Time

The kids sold some toys they no longer play with and used the money to buy two new wii games. They love for me to play the games while they cheer me on. One of the new games is Wonder World: Amusement Park. I have spent way to much time over the last week playing this game. You play games to earn tickets, use tickets to buy prizes and buy prizes to open up more of the park. I have won more tickets than I care to admit. But how can I resist my kids' cute faces when they ask me to play.

Oh and when we play, Sawyer thinks he has to be holding a remote. He swings it around like he is playing and occasionally chews on. I think I know what he needs for Christmas


Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

You know me and how much I love finding a good deal. I called a local Christmas tree farm to see how much they were charging for their trees. They said all trees were $20 regardless of size. You betcha we jumped in the van and headed right over. It was freezing outside so we basically picked the first tree that looked halfway descent. It's not the purdiest thing you've ever seen. But it didn't break the bank, and it makes our home look like Christmas.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Words to live by

1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.
10. Take one day at a time.
11. Separate worries from concerns . If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.
17. Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19. Get organized so everything has its place.
20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life.
21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
24. Make friends with Godly people.
25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus .'
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).
31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
32. Sit on your ego.
33. Talk less; listen more.
34. Slow down.
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
36. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Random thoughts

Some of my family came for Thanksgiving. I had such a great time having them here. I got to show my mom all of my latest projects, and we had way too much fun shopping together. I can't wait for the day when they move back here permanently. Nebraska is just too far away. :(
I got to call Poison Control today after Sawyer ate half a tube of lip gloss. I figured he would be ok, but I thought I should double check. They assured me he would be fine. I have a feeling I'm going to have my hands full with this little boy.
I have had a headache for a week. My neck has been hurting and now the pain extends up into my forehead. I have tried heat, motrin, tylenol, and excedrine but nothing helps. I should probably go to the doctor. but that is another bill I don't want. And I'm afraid he is just going to prescribe me pills instead of getting down to the root of the problem. Is this what getting old feels like?
My friend is due to have her baby anytime. I got to teach her a childbirth class last Sunday and I took maternity pictures of her on Tuesday. I may get to be her doula once she is in labor. She wants to see how helpful her husband is first.

I love anything to do with childbirth. I've been like this since I was a little girl. My sister and I used to check out all the pregnancy and childbirth books from the library and study everything in them. I went to college intending on being a nurse midwife, but I chickened out when I had cadavers my first semester. I still secretly think about going back to school to be an RN.
The transmission in my van was whining really badly when I was out and about today. I should probably mention it to Jody. We were told a year and a half ago that the van needed a new transmission. It's amazing that it has lasted this long- the longer, the better. We plan on driving it into the ground. We're hoping it lasts quite a bit longer. We hate to spend a lot of money with the way the economy is these days.
Speaking of the economy, I paid $1.46 a gallon for gas today. *doing the happy dance* I never thought it would be that cheap again.

Bargain Shopping

The KMart in my area finally has double coupons this week. I did some research online and got my game plan ready last night. I loaded up the kids this morning and off we went to do some bargain shopping.

As I was walking into the store, there was a man selling subscriptions to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Jody has mentioned several times that we should order the paper since we usually buy one on Friday and Sunday. The man offered me two weeks worth of papers for free and a $30 KMart gift card if I signed up today. After two weeks, the paper will be $2.88 a week. That's about what we've been spending on papers every week anyway. He also gave me two copies of the Sunday paper which means more coupons for me!

After applying the $30 gift card, I got everything in the picture plus a Christmas dress for Olivia and a Crest Spin brush for Paxton for $35.04. Can you say what a deal?! We are going back to KMart on Thursday to get family pictures made. I wonder what other deals I can round up before now and then.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Sawyer pulled up to standing for the first time today. The camera was nearby so Jody snapped a picture. It won't be long, and Sawyer will be running around the house with Olivia and Paxton.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Spy

Jody's been deer hunting in the wrong part of the woods. He should have been sitting on the front porch.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

For my mom

I'm trying out a new quilt pattern my mom and I learned about this summer. She wanted to see the work in progress.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I am a Bette

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are a Bette!


You are a Bette -- "I must be strong"

Bettes are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Stand up for yourself... and me.

  • * Be confident, strong, and direct.

  • * Don't gossip about me or betray my trust.

  • * Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side.

  • * Give me space to be alone.

  • * Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me.

  • * I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack.

  • * When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am.

What I Like About Being a Bette

  • * being independent and self-reliant

  • * being able to take charge and meet challenges head on

  • * being courageous, straightforward, and honest

  • * getting all the enjoyment I can out of life

  • * supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me

  • * upholding just causes

What's Hard About Being a Bette

  • * overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't intend to

  • * being restless and impatient with others' incompetence

  • * sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it

  • * never forgetting injuries or injustices

  • * putting too much pressure on myself

  • * getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when things don't go right

Bettes as Children Often

  • * are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit

  • * are sometimes loners

  • * seize control so they won't be controlled

  • * figure out others' weaknesses

  • * attack verbally or physically when provoked

  • * take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest, or grow up in difficult or abusive surroundings

Bettes as Parents

  • * are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted

  • * are sometimes overprotective

  • * can be demanding, controlling, and rigid

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sawyer

It's your first birthday today, Sawyer. How do you feel?

Growing up is hard to do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


In Language Arts Olivia is learning about paragraphs. I gave her a list of three words and told her to write a paragraph about one of them. The list of words was baby, game or bed. This is what Olivia wrote:

If that isn't bad enough, Olivia came up and started rubbing my belly at the trunk or treat. Does she know something I don't?

Tag...I'm it.

My friend Backy tagged me a few weeks ago. Oops! I guess I should check her blog more often.

1. The great relationship I have with Jody
2. My children- they are all I ever dreamed of
3. Olivia rocking it in gymnastics

1. Losing a loved one
2. Getting in a car accident
3. Heights

1. Catch up on my scrapbooking
2. Work on my Masters
3. Grow a garden that actually produces food

1. Clipping coupons
2. Bargain shopping
3. Organizing this house

1. Leaving BYU. I have dreams all the time that I go back to finish my degree.
2. Not spending more time with my grandpa when I lived in Utah
3. Not protecting my sister when we were little

1. I was born in a truck. I'm a Ford girl!
2. I am 5 ft 3.5 inches. (And yes the .5 matters)
3. I am very pragmatic but horrible at making decisions.

I tag Sendai, Pa and crazy Sarah.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Random thoughts

I splurged and bought a pretty shower curtain. I usually buy the cheap $1 liners from the dollar store. The one we had up was getting gross so I took it down. I could have sworn I got two the last time I bought one. I couldn't find it though. I ended up taping up a plastic pink table cloth for a shower curtain to tide us over until I made it to the store. How hillbilly is that! I decided to buy a fabric shower curtain so I can wash it and reuse it. While the kids and I were trying to decided which one to buy, Olivia had to point out the cheap liners. That's my girl. We settled on a green paisley shower curtain. Jody said it looks like a fabric that I would wear. It looks great in the bathroom. It matches my green walls perfectly. And it brings a smile to my face everytime I see it.
MIL bought the kids a wii yesterday. I was secretly giddy with excitement over the purchase. Jody said I could get one for my birthday, but I was too cheap to buy one. I had been stalking craigslist hoping for a deal. So MIL bought the system. I bought an extra controller and a chicken shoot game. After we got home I realized we needed a component connector to hook the wii to the tv. The punk kid at Target told me the system came with one, but it didn't. I also bought a game for Paxton and a game for me. Olivia bought her own game since she was originally saving her money for the wii. This little game system has already taken a chunk out of our wallet. It's going to be a lot of fun. I plan on trying out my new game while the kids are in bed tonight.
My older sister has put her house on the market in Nebraska and is planning to move here. They found a house that they are going to put a bid on. I cannot even express how happy this makes me. It's going to be so weird and wonderful to have some of my family so close. I'll have someone to shop with and clean with and cook with and celebrate birthdays and holidays with and call on when I'm sick or stressed or need help. I hope I'm not driving her crazy with all my incessant calls for updates on the packing/selling/buying situation.
We had a skunk situation that deserves its own blog post. Our house is now referred to as Skunk Hollow. I have never burned so many candles in my life. Yet another perk of country living.
The weather has finally cooled off. We are waiting on our electrician to come do some maintenance on our Hardy Wood Furnace before we fire it up. Since we are using the electric heat, we have been keeping the heat set at 66. Using the oven helps warm the house up so I've been trying to bake a lot. I love this time of year!

Becoming a boy

Sawyer got his first hair cut today. Several people told me how cute "she" was lately so I knew it was time. I have to admit this milestone makes me sad. It means my baby isn't a baby anymore. He looks so different with his hair short. They grow up too fast.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Super Saturday

Olivia and I set up at the market on Saturday. It was the first time we set up without Jody. MIL watched the boys so Olivia and I had some quality time together. We loaded the van full with tables and stuff to sale. I sold some of the items I have bought for cheap bargain shopping: pads, air fresheners, cleaners, razors, diapers, etc. Olivia set up with toys. I made about $70 and Olivia made about $7, and we were only set up for about 2 hours. Not a bad day at all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A wise man once said

"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn."
-Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I turn 29. How crazy is that?! We went to the market this morning where I found some good deals. We came home and loaded up FIL's goats to take to the goat auction.

Olivia wanted Jody to take her to get me chocolates (shhh! she doesn't know I know what she wants to get me for my birthday), but Jody couldn't take her because FIL got called into work so Jody had to take the goats to the auction for him. Olivia had a good cry about that. So instead she made me a "scrapbook" and gave me a card. MIL must have found the card for her. Olivia was so proud that she scratched out the 'Happy Mother's Day' on the inside of the card and wrote happy birthday. Paxton was disappointed that I only got one present. He was looking forward to helping me open them.

I took a two hour nap this afternoon. It was wonderful. We splurged and went to Wings to Go for supper and Sonic for dessert. The kids were very well behaved which is an added bonus.

So this is my last year as a twenty something. I swear it seems like just yesterday I was turning 18. 29 years old, married for 8+ years and the mother of three kids. I'm such a grown up now. I'm "getting old" as Olivia would say. And she hasn't even noticed all the grey hair I am starting to see in the mirror.

I wouldn't change a thing. This is the life I dreamed of as a kid. Ok, let's be honest. I wouldn't mind a bigger house and a tidier family, but that would just be an added bonus.

So here's to another year!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Poor baby

We went to some yard sales today and ended up at a friend's house where they were having a yard sale. We stayed and chatted for awhile. When we were getting ready to leave, Paxton decided to run the opposite direction with Sawyer in the stroller. He flipped it over on the cement. I picked it up and Sawyer was bleeding like crazy. His face was scratched up and he busted his mouth open above his top front teeth. I called the ped and there wasn't really anything they can do for it. Poor things lip is all swollen and his face has a serious case of road rash.

This afternoon I took the kids to ride bikes. Sawyer was sitting on the ground playing with twigs and rocks. Paxton started messing with him and knocked him over backwards. I was about to lose it on Paxton at that point.

Jody came with a pair of channel locks to tighten the training wheels on Paxton's bike. He left them on the ground and Sawyer started playing with them. Wouldn't you know he knocked himself below the eye that wasn't all scratched up and left a bruise.

To make him feel better, Jody put Sawyer on Paxton's bike and rode him around. I told Jody to please not injure Sawyer because I don't think I could handle it. A few minutes later Sawyer's foot got caught in the rear tire, and he started crying.

I swear I need a bubble for this kid today.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well child check-ups

Sawyer and Paxton had well child check-ups today. The stats are:
weight 37 lbs
height 41.25 in
bp 98/60

weight 20 lbs
height 27.75 in
head circ 18.5 in

Both boys are doing great. Sawyer got another DTaP shot. The ped suggested bringing him back in 2 months since he is "behind" on the immunization schedule. No kidding! I've started having pain in my boobs again and Sawyer has been nursing funny so I mentioned to the ped that I thought Sawyer might be getting thrush again. I really don't think he was treated long enough to get rid of it in the first place. He checked Sawyer's mouth and said it was clear and then gave me some spill about how yeast is naturally in our body so it might just be a fact of life for me. Whatever. Sawyer has a big white patch on his tongue again this evening and I have had more itching and burning as the day has progressed. I think we might try gentian violet and GSE pills tomorrow. I'm also doing research on probiotics. I want this stuff gone for good!

Monday, October 6, 2008


A friend sent me this forward. Can I get an Amen?

One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asks about his bill and the barber replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The florist is pleased and leaves the shop.

When the barber goes to open his shop the next morning there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The cop is happy and leaves the shop.

The next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Later that day, a college professor comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The professor is very happy and leaves the shop.

The next morning when the barber opens his shop, there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen different books, such as 'How to Improve Your Business' and 'Becoming More Successful'.

Then, a Congressman comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congressman is very happy and leaves the shop.

The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the members of our Congress.

Vote carefully this year.

You've got to be kidding me!

I heard about this story on talk radio.

The town is looking into the possibility of an English only resolution, to discourage people from speaking foreign languages in public.

Are you kidding me?! Are people really that narrow-minded? The mayor was right when he called himself a hillbilly.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday, Paxton!

My little boy is 4 today. What a blessing he is in our lives! He's such a shy little thing and didn't want anyone but family at his birthday party. He got toys and clothes and is happy as a clam to play with everything. I can't believe how much he has grown and changed over this last year. It seems like just yesterday he was learning how to walk and talk. I can't imagine my world without him. I love you baby boy. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Behold, the Quilt

Monday, September 29, 2008

And after the mastitis…

…comes thrush. I should have clued in when Sawyer started refusing his paci. He always uses his paci. The next day I noticed the big white spot on his tongue. Now this really is my worst fear nursing. The thought of treating yeast is overwhelming to me. I called my ob who prescribed 2 weeks of Diflucan and called the ped. nurse who called in a script for Nystatin. Sawyer finished up the Nystatin yesterday and I still have a couple days left of the Diflucan. For the first time since I started nursing, it doesn’t hurt to breastfeed. I figure that the yeast has probably been the problem for a long time and the antibiotics I was on for mastitis sent it into overdrive. I’ve washed clothes and bras and towels and toys and bottles and pacis like crazy hoping to get rid of the yeast. Do you know how impossible it is to wash everything that a 10 month old puts in his mouth?! I really hope it’s gone and we can continue on with a better nursing experience. It seems like I have had nothing but problems this time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Trip to the DMV

I had to go to the DMV to register Jody’s new (used) truck. Like the true stay at home mom that I am, I toted all 3 kids with me. We no more than got our number and sat down when Paxton started doing the potty dance. There were only two people ahead of me so I didn’t want to miss my turn. I could see the bathroom from where I was sitting so I told Olivia to take him.

They were in the bathroom for a few minutes when Olivia pokes her head out and yells, “Mom, Paxton’s going poop!” This kid’s bowels have the worst timing. I told her to tell me when he was finished and I would come wipe his butt (motherhood is such a glorious job). Every once in a while she would poke her head out to give me updates.

Soon it was my turn to go to the counter. I was busy getting the title and license switched over while balancing Sawyer- who is trying to grab my pen and check book and anything else he can get his hand’s on- on my hip when I hear Olivia yell from around the corner “He’s done!” “Tell him he has to wait a few minutes, “ I say. A few minutes later she yells, “He’s getting mad!” Now I’m hearing snickers behind me from the other people waiting.
Unfortunately I had to have Jody sign some paperwork before I could register the car. So I grabbed my stack of papers and high tailed it to the bathroom. I got Paxton cleaned up and headed out the door. You couldn’t miss the chuckles as we walked out the door. We headed to Jody’s work so he could sign the paperwork. Then it was back to the DMV. That trip was a little less exciting.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What a cutie!

Olivia's new passion is giving Sawyer a mohawk. Everytime I turn around, she's wetting his hair and spiking it up. He doesn't seem to mind too much.

Walgreens Deal #3

Total: $30.14 and received $20 RR

Total Savings: $58.27

Walgreens Deal #2

Total: $7.10 and Received $10 in RR
Total Savings: $17.70

Friday, September 12, 2008

Walgreens Deal #1

Buy three Robitussin and get $10 RR back. Robitussin is on sale for $3.99. There are $3 coupons here.
Total: 2.97
Receive $10 RR back
I guess they were on to us. Now there is only a $1 coupon available.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Random thoughts

I am anxiously awaiting the call that my quilt is ready. I can't wait to get it. I have to drive to Heber Springs to pick it up. The Wal-Mart there still has fabrics, unlike the ones around here. I need some fabric for a new quilt pattern I want to try. The only fabric store we have around here is Hancock Fabrics and the quilting fabrics are so darn expensive.
I love listening to Rush Limbaugh these days. I like listening to Sean Hannity too but I don't catch his show as often.
I am reading The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn. That book is right up my alley. It's refreshing to know there are people out there that are cheaper than us.
Sawyer's middle name should have been Hoover. He finds every little thing on the floor and puts it in his mouth.
I tried watching a documentary about September 11th last night. I had to turn it off because I felt the beginnings of a panic attack. How sad is it that I can't even deal with reality without freaking out.
My FIL took Monday and Tuesday off because he has vacation days to use. He's already gotten the kids twice today. And he takes Sawyer. How lucky am I?!
I've been wanting to take an online photography class from ASU Beebe. I'm thinking about using some of the money I make from the consignment sale to pay for a class. Or I could buy the family a Wii. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Defective parts

Nursing has been such an ordeal this time around. I've dealt with pain that my ob and 3 lactation consultants could not pin-point, my supply has been decreasing on one side and, the most recent problem, bleeding, presumably from trauma due to Sawyer's rough nursing style.

Thursday I woke to find my right breast bruised looking with red streaks. Within a few hours I had a fever and chills. The dreaded mastitis. I called my Ob's nurse who consulted with the doctor and called in a prescription for antibiotics and the suggestion to pump for a few days to give my breast some time to heal.

I do not like pumping. I did just enough of it to have a little bit of a freezer supply of milk for an emergency. I never would have guessed that I have an over abundance of the lipase enzyme in my milk that causes the milk to have a nasty metallic flavor when thawed. I had to throw out my entire frozen supply. *sniff, sniff* From now on, I know to scald the milk before freezing to deactivate the enzyme.

I tried to give Sawyer some formula with no luck. He would not take it. I did manage to sneak an ounce or two in when I didn't pump enough milk. I'm proud to say that I managed to pump for three whole days. I think it's helped to build up the supply in my slacker boob and the bruising and streaking are gone. Now I have to remember to take my antibiotic four times a day until it runs out. And I will no longer take for granted whipping out a boob when it's time for Sawyer to eat. There is a lot of convenience in that.

Walgreens Deals

Better late than never. This was for the end of August. Since life is starting to settle down into somewhat of a routine, I'm hoping to start doing more thorough postings of my deals.

Transaction #1

And a bag of gummy worms that the kids ate on the way home.

Total Cost: $3.40

WAG Coupon Savings: $.50

WAG Advertised Savings: $14.96

MFG Coupon Savings: $24.74

Total Savings: $40.20


Transaction #2

The flipflops were on sale for 75% off so I bought three pairs in Olivia's current size and 3 pairs in the next size. You can't beat .50 for flops.

Total Cost: $6.42

WAG Coupon Savings: $2.00

WAG Advertised Savings: $18.29

MFG Coupon Savings: $10.00

Total Savings: $30.29

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back from hiatus

Life got busy and before I knew it, I was way behind on my blog. Let’s see what all has happened since my last post:

*I got my hair cut and highlighted. I love it but I’m still not used to seeing myself with short hair.

*We came home from Nebraska.

*The day after we got home, we left to stay at cabins at Lobo Landing with my family and several family friends. We went swimming, went to the river, went to the lake, went to Wal-Mart and did a whole lot of nothing. It was nice!

*My mom and I took the quilt top I made in college to a lady that does machine quilting. I have been putting off getting it finished for way too long. I can’t wait to get it back. It’s going right onto my bed where I hope it keeps us warm for many, many years.

*My friend’s 11-year-old daughter stayed with us for a week. It was different having an older kid around. She left yesterday. It’s actually weird not having her around any more.

*Olivia got a scholarship to join the Gym Stars gymnastic team. She will be competing as a Level 3. She has gym from 4-8 on Tuesdays. That’s a long workout for a little kid but she seems to love it.

*We started Olivia’s 2nd year of homeschooling. We’ve added more subjects this year so it’s a lot more involved. I’m trying to find the rhythm of cleaning house, entertaining Sawyer and getting school taught. I am constantly amazed at how quickly Olivia picks things up.

*Sawyer has moved up to 6-9 month clothes, is scooting everywhere, and is working on getting several new teeth. The top two are so close do being through. *see photo* He has been so fussy today. I hope he gets a little relief and we all get some sleep tonight.

That's all I can think of for now. I have some Walgreens posts but that will have to wait until a time when Sawyer isn't attached to me.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Olivia lost her first tooth today! Another one is hanging on by a thread. She won't have a toothless grin for long because the permanent teeth are already coming in.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Day with Thomas

Paxton's dream came true. He got to see Thomas the Tank Engine and ride on his train. I have to say it was worth all the stresses of traveling to see the smile on my little boy's face as the train pulled away from the "station". There were lots of activities for the kids. Paxton didn't want to leave when it was time to go.

Paxton was not a big fan of Sir Toppem Hat:

Here's what happens when I let my brother hold Sawyer. He got his first tattoo.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Keeping Busy

I've been trying to keep the kids busy while we are in Nebraska. I know they miss Jody, Mamaw and Papaw so I want them to have a good time while we are away. So far we've celebrated the 4th of July, gone to Railroad Days, visited the zoo, and went swimming a few times. The highlight of our trip will be riding Thomas the Tank Engine next weekend. Paxton is beyond thrilled to be going. I have to admit I'm a little excited too.

Olivia and Paxton at Railroad Days:

Looking at the reptiles at the zoo:

Bargain Shopping

Olivia and I did some bargain shopping today. It's great having so many stores near by. I'm planning on taking my little sister tonight and showing her the ropes.

Total cost: 16.30
WAG Coupon Savings: 18.60
WAG Advertised Savings: 11.83
MFG Coupon Savings: 12.50
Total Savings: 42.93

In addition I have $7.00 worth of rebates to send in so I got everything pictured for $9.30. Wow!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

The food was good. Being with family was great. The fireworks were AWESOME!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We're here!

We made the journey to Nebraska. I managed to only forget one thing. Not bad when packing for four people. Jody drove us to Branson where we met up with Anna and her family. Sawyer had mercy on us and slept most of the way.

If you ever vacation in Branson, I would NOT recommend staying at the Georgetown Inn. MIL happened to be on vacation in Branson at the same time we were, and she had mentioned that was where they were staying. The smoke filled lobby should have been the first indication that the place was a dump. It was so ghetto that they didn't even have wash clothes in the rooms. We suffered since it was only for one night but we will never, ever stay there again. The only perk to the room is that it was right next to a bungy jumping place. People who do that kind of stuff are nuts. I couldn't even watch the first couple people because it freaked me out so bad.

We went to the Dixie Stampede with Anna's crew and headed back to the roach motel. We stayed out late people watching, riding go carts and playing putt putt. It was actually a lot of fun. We'll have to vacation there again when Sawyer is a little bigger.

The next day we met up with Anna and transferred all of my luggage to her vehicle. Jody took the van back home and we rode the rest of the way to Nebraska with Anna. The trip went really smoothly. Sawyer slept most of the way again, and I even got to take a nap in the car, which makes the trip go by so much faster.

It feels so good to be back with my family. They live too far away. I love having help with Sawyer. Sendai has gotten him to go to sleep three times already. (Yes, I'm so excited about it that I'm keeping count.) The kids love having cousins and aunts to play with. And I love the fact that my mom does most of the laundry. I tell ya, it's the simple things in life.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And the countdown begins

The kids and I are leaving for Nebraska in 4 days. I have so much to do and so little energy to do it. I've started gathering things I need to pack. It's overwhelming when I have to back for me and three kids for a month and a half long vacation. (I use the term vacation loosely since I'll be without a husband during that time.) I have a list which is always a good place to start. The suitcases are now down and sitting in the living room waiting to be filled.

The plan is: Jody will drive us to Branson on Saturday afternoon where we will meet up with Anna and her family. We will stay the night in a hotel Saturday night. Sunday Jody will head back home, and the kids and I will ride back with Anna to Omaha. I am dreading the drive. 7 hours in a car with 3 kids and baby does not sound fun. Hopefully the kids cooperate and we have a swift journey.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Olivia !

My little Olivia bug,
The day you were born, you made my dreams come true. You made me a mother. I cannot believe that you are six years old today. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday you were taking your first steps and learning how to talk. Now you talk nonstop and are fantastic gymnast. I love seeing the world through your eyes. You bring me so much happiness and joy. I love you baby girl. Happy 6th birthday!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Behold, The Cake

It wasn't as perfect as I would like it to be, but it was the best I could do with a 7 month old that cries all the time. It was a lot of fun to make. And even more fun to eat.

Friday, June 20, 2008

10 Things I Love

1. My family.
2. Rumble storms.
3. Fresh baked bread.
4. Working in the garden.
5. A clean house.
6. Naptime.
7. Scrapbooking.
8. Bargain shopping.
9. Newborn babies.
10. A good book.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

10 Things That Annoy Me

1. Being treated like I'm dumb.
2. Hearing crunching and slurping noises when someone eats, especially cereal.
3. Tailgating.
4. People who complain about money problems but spend money frivolously.
5. Obscene language and sex on tv.
6. Relatives that think they are too good for us.
7. Clutter.
8. A baby that cries because he's tired but refuses to go to sleep.
9. Half butt-ers.
10. Whining.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Pa and to my husband. Thanks for all you do!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy 8th Anniversary

Today is our 8 year anniversary. Last night we were talking about our plans for the day, and Jody said he didn't have any. I told him after 8 years of marriage he had better know better.

The creative juices weren't flowing and I hadn't gotten Jody anything either. I had to run some errands today and I remembered the chocolate shop owned by a family from our Ward. Jody loves their chocolates. So I stopped in with the kids and picked him out an assortment of chocolates. Imagine my surprise when Jody walked in from work with an assortment of chocolates for me too. We know each other too well. We figure the owner had a good laugh at us both coming in. They made some good money off our family today.

Jody also got me a gift certificate for a massage. He scored big time with that one. I can't wait to use it.

My friend Danae watched the kids while Jody and I went out to eat. It was nice to have some alone time together. It's nice having a meal where I'm not constantly filling a drink for this kid or getting a napkin for that kid.

It's hard to believe we've been married for 8 years. I feel so blessed to have Jody for a husband. He makes being in love easy. I cannot imagine my world without him.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And the doctor said...

The tick bite is infected. I didn't see that diagnosis coming *insert sarcasm here*. Paxton is on Bactrim twice a day for 10 days. If it's not looking better by Friday I have to take him back. That boy has the weirdest problems. And have I ever mentioned how horrible he is about taking medicine. It's going to be a fun 10 days.

Tick Bite

I've never seen a reaction like this? Does it warrant a trip to the doctor?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Where's the beef?

We went to Taco Bell for supper tonight. Imagine our surprise when we were informed by the cashier that they were out of beef. How exactly does Taco Bell run out of beef? It's not like they don't know they are going to need it.We decided to get something safe - cinnamon twists- for a snack and eat supper at home.

There's a cow by the hammock!

I was laying in bed nursing Sawyer early this morning when Olivia yells:

O- Mom, come here!

Me- I can't. I'm feeding your brother.

O- You gotta see this!

Me- What is it?

O- There's a cow by the hammock.

It wouldn't be the first time I woke up to find a cow in the yard. Every once in awhile a cow escapes from the ranch that borders our land. I told Olivia to call Papaw. He used to work for the ranch and knows how to handle cows. But Papaw didn't answer his phone. Then I remembered my garden. No way was a cow going to eat my hard work. So I jumped up and looked out to see where the cow was. I busted out laughing. It wasn't a cow. It was a DEER!

Friday, June 6, 2008


I managed to make it through my doctor's appointment without a meltdown. I am so thankful for that. I had a blood draw to check my thyroid. I should get the results on Monday. I talked to the doctor about how I was struggling with my anxiety, especially in the evenings. He suggested that I play around with the dosage of Zoloft I am on. I am going to start by taking 25 mg at noon in addition to the 50 mg I take at night. Hopefully that will help balance things out. The doctor reassured my, without really trying, that this isn't me; It's my hormones and the chemicals in the body causing me to feel this way. I told him how scared I was to take medication after the reaction I had to the Celexa. He said not to worry. The strongest reaction is when you first start the medication and I am past that. I hope the second dose works. The constant battles of trying not to lose it are exhausting.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm out of control!

Bargain shopping at Target

Total cost: $11.94
Total Savings: $35.00

Total cost: $6.74
Total Savings: $23.00