Sunday, February 5, 2012


We got our check from the Emporium today. The person who's idea it was to do a monthly paycheck is not a junker. It kills to put so much money into a booth and only get paid monthly. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see my paycheck. It's great to see my hard work paying off. And it's great motivation to get to work on more projects.
I left Paxton home from church today with Jody. He was a mess this morning. Sunday mornings are usually rough for him, but this was the worst I've seen him in a long time. He locked himself in the bathroom before I left and, according to Jody, stayed in there for a while after I left. Maybe something was in the air. Several of the "special" kids at church were having a tough day too.
I hope it doesn't offend someone that I called them "special" kids. I feel entitled since I have a "special" kid myself.
We have our yearly tax appt on Wednesday. That means it's time for me to get all our paperwork together. I've been putting it off for a month. I'm running out of time to procrastinate. Tomorrow the paper sorting begins.
Monday I gave up on having a clean house. Yesterday I decided to take it back from the animals. Today it looks like it did on Monday. Sometimes I wonder why I try.
I'm getting a headache. I don't know what it is from. It seems like more and more things are triggers: MSG, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hormone changes,allergies. I'm wondering if it was the yummy strawberry mango smoothie I made earlier. That or the 5 cheese ravioli. It's crazy that all these things didn't bother me when I was younger. Getting older is so much fun.
Now that I'm blogging again, there are a million things I want to write about. I owe Monica a huge thanks for getting me motivated to start blogging again.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year, New Plans

I can't believe it's already the last day of January in 2012. Where has the time gone?! It seems like the days are ticking by and there's never enough time to get everything done that I would like.

I've been battling crippling fatigue which hasn't helped. It suddenly occurred to me one day that my unexplained weight gain could be associated with the medication I take for anxiety. When I looked up it's side-effects online, I saw that another side-effect is extreme fatigue. Talk about a light bulb going off. I've started the process of weaning off of the paxil. So far it's going well. No crazy reactions. I'm praying it continues that way. I really hope my panic attacks stay away. I'm hoping to deal with my anxiety with a more holistic approach: healthy diet, exercise, magnesium supplements, etc. I will keep you updated on how it goes.

Jody has gone back to work for the owners of the company where he used to work. He's only working 30ish hours a week. The pay is good and the hours are flexible which allows him to continue junking. Our new booth at the Freeway Emporium is doing awesome. I have a section of our booth with my Big Fat Baby merchandise and it's been selling well. I put my name of the waiting list to get a room at the Emporium so I can have an entire area for myself. It's exciting planning and dreaming about how I want it to look.

The drawback to Jody's new job and the Emporium is that we only get paid monthly. We've managed to survive for 2 weeks with $10 in the bank account. Thankfully our frugals ways are paying off. I've got a friend to coupon shop with now. We meet once a week to cut coupons and then go shopping together to find deals. It is so much more fun having someone to bargain shop with. I can't wait until yard sale season so I can get new clothes for the kids and junk to sell in the booth.

I guess that's all for now. It's late and I should probably get to bed. The love of my life Jody gets the kids up and ready for school but Sawyer won't let me sleep in too late.