Friday, February 17, 2006

I love nap time. It's such a serene part of the day. Lunchtime tends to be a zoo around here. The kids are grouchy and hungry and I can't seem to do anything fast enough. It's nice to have a little bit of peace and quiet after all the madness.
I'm going to get my serger this evening. It's my Valentine's Day present. We are "sew" in love. I'm going to meet Jody after work and pick it up. I want to get it before the ice storms move in and we're stuck at home bored out of our minds. I'm moving up in the world - first a KitchenAide Mixer and now a serger.
Sometimes I wish I was more of a Go-Getter. I get into my comfort zone and don't want to get out. Just something I need to work on.
How can it be 70 degrees one day and 30 degrees the next? This state is so weird sometimes.
I was reading about the difference between male and female brains in my Parents magazine. Could brain development explain why Paxton has the need to dump anything in its proper place on the floor? And why Olivia says "Your my best friend forever" and "I don't like you!" in the same breath of air. Man, these kids are fun!

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