I've been slacking on my blogging. Having super slow internet and a crazy busy life doesn't help.
Our flea market booth is doing awesome! Gathering up stuff to put in it and making trips to straighten it and stock it keeps me busy. It's a great way to make some extra money. I finally splurged and bought PhotoShop Elements 7.0 with some of my profits.
Paxton has been seeing an OT twice a week for Sensory Integration Disorder. He hasn't been officially diagnosed (we are working on that) but the OT's evaluation shows that he demonstrates a defensive sensory system in the areas of auditory, vestibular, tactile and oral sensory processing. We are starting to see an improvement with therapy. I struggle with how to deal with some of his behaviors. Therapy has helped some and I'm hoping that once he has an official diagnosis I will have more resources to get answers to my questions. Mostly my heart hurts for him. I see that as he gets older, he acts different than other kids his age and that makes me sad for him. I want him to be accepted and loved. I want him to be strong and successful. I'm anxious for what the future holds for him.
I finally, after putting it off for 10+ years, had my two wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined it would be. The anticipation was by far the worst part. Thankfully I had Sendai here to help take care of me. And Xanax is a wonderful drug.
We found out today they are putting an oil well on our section. What does this mean? We may get royalties, and I may actually have a way to afford the house addition I so desperately dream of. Of course Jody says we are going to stick the money in the bank. I rolled my eyes and told him he can put his portion in the bank. I have big plans for mine.
I wish I didn't have to feel guilty about wanting another baby.
We've started up year 3 of homeschooling. Olivia's reading improved a lot over the summer. She's getting better about doing her lessons without whining and crying the entire time. My friend that is a teacher is going to test her and see where she is at as far as skills for her age. I'm curious to see how she does.
We gained some new pets today. We had one female rabbit for Olivia. Jody got a male and pregnant female rabbit from someone today. We put all three rabbits together and it very quickly was becoming a birds and the bees lesson so we had to seperate them. Olivia thought is was so funny that the rabbits were so excited to see each other that they were "fighting". Sounded like a good explanation to me.
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