Shouldn't your body feel better when you are postpartum? My boobs hurt, my butt hurts, my girly bits hurt and my back is sore from carrying around a fussy boy all the time.
It's been our month to clean the church. Somehow we always have a fussy baby when it's our turn. Thankfully Jody cleans like a tornado and gets things done in a hurry. We didn't clean the chalk boards like they asked. Honestly I have no idea what to clean them with, and the chemical cabinet wasn't exactly organized. Still, I feel guilty. It is the Lord's house we are taking care of.
Jody bought a flat of strawberries at the market. He got ripped on the price, but they are yummy. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert. We should eat like that every night.
I should be getting my Sharing Time lesson ready for tomorrow. But instead I'm here playing on the internet. I will pay for that later.
The panic attacks are returning. I don't know what to do. I should make an appointment with my PCP I suppose. I want to get my thyroid checked too. Bleh!
I would like to get my hair cut. I haven't had it cut since before Sawyer was born. I would like it cut in a cute little bob but that isn't feasible. I need to be able to pull it back so Sawyer can't hold on to it for dear life.
I had a tornado dream last night. It is one of the recurring dreams I have. It didn't end good. Not a nice thing to wake up to.
Both of my grandmothers were/are good at crossword puzzles. I think that I should be genetically predisposed to be good at them too. So far, it's not looking so good.
I should really get to work on that lesson for tomorrow...
I saw you blog on another blogger's roll, and I wandered over because I liked the name of your blog :o)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to comment that I thought I was the only one that had recurring tornado dreams! I finally figured out that I have them when there is usually some kind of storm going on in my life that I need to get ready for. The dreams used to be about running around opening all the windows (you know, getting ready), but I don't do that now that they don't recommend that anymore. One time there were three funnels, and when I woke up I realized they represented three stresses that were going in my life at the time. That's when it clicked what they were about for me.