The cake

Paxton playing on the Slip n' Slide

Olivia's birthday party turned out to be a huge success. It rained Saturday morning but eased up just in time for the party. The kids got to play in the rain for a little while, but they didn't seem to mind. The Slip n' Slide was a blast and made for great pictures. Olivia's friend James provided great entertainment when he whipped out his boyhood in the middle of the yard and proceeded to pee. Later on he had a few streaking incidents too. It was hilarious (although his mom was a tad embarassed). Olivia couldn't wait to eat her birthday cake. She blew her candles out so quickly I didn't even get a picture. She got lots of great presents. She got 4 new dresses and lots of craft supplies. Overall, I think Olivia had a great party. She's already talking about her Dora party next year.
She beat me to it: GREAT CAKE! It worked. You are a great Mom.