Jody collects junk from yard sales and auctions and sets up on occasion. He has a fun time doing it, and it's great supplemental income. Back in the day (before we had kids) I would set up at the market with him and sale baby clothes. I prefer to go in the spring and the fall, before it is too hot or to cold.
This morning I got to go for the first time in quite a while. I had a couple of tubs of baby clothes in my shed that I needed to get rid of and MIL offered to watch the kids. Sounded like a good deal to me.

After the rain passed through it turned out to be a beautiful day. The rain kept a lot of sellers at home which made business good for us. People were out to buy today. Gas prices are dropping and you'd be amazed at how that effects sales. I ended up selling a good portion of my baby clothes. I made a little over $30, not bad considering I didn't charge over a dollar for anything. Jody did even better. But he has a gift for this kind of thing. I don't call him a hard core junker for no reason.
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