Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year, New Ramblings

The kids are staying the night at my sister's house and Jody is passed out on the couch thanks to a long work week. I thought this would be a great opportunity to slip into my freshly laundered sheets and update my blog. I love climbing into freshly laundered sheets. Usually Jody beats me to bed, and I don't get to enjoy these few moments of crisp sheets heaven.

It's 2014. Can you believe that?! Can someone please slow down time just a little bit! My days are filled with homeschool, sewing, cleaning, laundry, errands, cooking. Sometimes at the end of the day, I wonder where the time went. This time of year is usually slower for us. When it warms up things will get busy with yard sales, auctions and more trips back and forth to the booth. Right now I'm having trouble imagining it all crammed into our already busy days.

With the start of the new year, I always feel the obligation to come up with a list of New Years Resolutions. Every year I think of the same things: have family prayer, read scriptures together as a family, get in better shape. It seems like those three things have spilled over from this year and the next year and the next year. This year I decided enough is enough. I'm done with these blasted resolutions. Instead of coming up with a list of resolutions I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing. I'm going to try to be a good wife, mother, sister, friend. That shouldn't be too hard to do.

On Monday, my parents are closing on a house just down the road from us. Since Jody and I got married 13+ years ago, I've dreamed of when my parents would move back here. It seemed like every year, the date got pushed back further. Then there was talk of them not moving back at all. That was until I took my mom to look at the house. It's perfect for them. Nice size house, storm cellar, just enough acreage, a huge shop, handicap accessibility, lots of storage. My mom and I looked at while she was down for a week crafting with me in November. It took another month to convince my dad to come look at it. He signed a contract the next day. *insert me doing the happy dance* I can't wait to have my parents closer. Not only will we be close enough to help them out, my mom and I will have so much fun crafting and homemaking together and my dad will be near with his jack-of-all-trades skills. They can help teach me how to actually grow a garden, and canning, and how to fix things. And my two little sisters will be closer than 10 hour away. I have to admit I'm a little nervous too. It will change the dynamics of Jody's and my relationship having my family so close and interacting with them on a daily basis. I'm so excited for this new chapter in our lives.

Well it's past 10 now. I have a busy day tomorrow. It my turn to teach Sharing Time in Primary, and I still have things to do to get my lesson ready. Morning will be here before I know it. Night!