Sunday, February 5, 2012


We got our check from the Emporium today. The person who's idea it was to do a monthly paycheck is not a junker. It kills to put so much money into a booth and only get paid monthly. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see my paycheck. It's great to see my hard work paying off. And it's great motivation to get to work on more projects.
I left Paxton home from church today with Jody. He was a mess this morning. Sunday mornings are usually rough for him, but this was the worst I've seen him in a long time. He locked himself in the bathroom before I left and, according to Jody, stayed in there for a while after I left. Maybe something was in the air. Several of the "special" kids at church were having a tough day too.
I hope it doesn't offend someone that I called them "special" kids. I feel entitled since I have a "special" kid myself.
We have our yearly tax appt on Wednesday. That means it's time for me to get all our paperwork together. I've been putting it off for a month. I'm running out of time to procrastinate. Tomorrow the paper sorting begins.
Monday I gave up on having a clean house. Yesterday I decided to take it back from the animals. Today it looks like it did on Monday. Sometimes I wonder why I try.
I'm getting a headache. I don't know what it is from. It seems like more and more things are triggers: MSG, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hormone changes,allergies. I'm wondering if it was the yummy strawberry mango smoothie I made earlier. That or the 5 cheese ravioli. It's crazy that all these things didn't bother me when I was younger. Getting older is so much fun.
Now that I'm blogging again, there are a million things I want to write about. I owe Monica a huge thanks for getting me motivated to start blogging again.