1. Jody started his new job at the Cabinet Shop this week, and he loves it. He has better hours now so we actually see him during the week. And best of all, he is happy with where he is working. 2. In my quest to try cloth diapering, I made Paxton a pocket diaper. The diaper turned out really good for being my first attempt at sewing one. Paxton likes it because it has tractors on it. He usually insists on putting a cloth diaper on after his nap. The rest of the day he could care less. I have another pattern to try out but haven’t found the motivation yet. 3. Paxton has a huge scab under his nose where he nose-dived in to the pavement the other day. Thank goodness kids heal quickly. It looks gross. 4. Olivia has suddenly become afraid of thunderstorms. When we had some strong storms the other day, she insisted that we light a candle in case the power went out. It started raining yesterday while she was at the IL’s house yesterday and she had them promptly bring her home. She so reminds me of me as a child. 5. We mopped the floor last night for the first time since I don’t know when. How embarrassing is that! But when your house is one big open space, it’s hard to find the time when the kids aren’t here to get it done. 6. Last night we had Pack Meeting. I arranged for FIL to come teach the boys how to rope a steer. We had to do it in the gym since it was raining. We had a plastic steer head stuck in to a stack of chairs leaned on their side. The boys had a blast. At the end we did a competition between the parents and the boys to see who could get the most points roping a steer head. It ended in a tie. But everyone had a great time trying. 7. Olivia had her WIC appointment today. She weighs 36 pounds and is 42 inches tall. She’s a beanpole! 8. We need to get a new freezer. The one we have is not sealing properly. Ice keeps building up around the edges and aggravating the situation. I have requested that we get an upright freezer this time. That way food doesn’t get lost in the bottom of it. 9. We are going to make the kids a sandbox. We intended on getting Olivia one for her birthday, but it never happened. Now that the weather has cooled off and the ticks aren’t as bad, it seems as good a time as ever to get one. I priced the materials and it looks like the project is a go. This will be my first wood working project so we will see how it turns out. 10. My sister and her son Charlie are coming to visit!! I can’t wait. I miss having my family here sooooo badly. We are going to have so much fun. We’ll probably end up just sitting around watching the kids terrorize each other, but at least we’ll be together. 11. Two weeks until the big Junatic Get Together in Virginia. I’ve never been to the East coast or to the ocean so this is going to be so much fun. And I can’t wait to meet all the women that I have been chatting with for the last 5 years too. 12. My mom is applying for a job down here. Sometimes I think it is totally selfish of me to want her to get it since all my brothers and sisters live in Nebraska, but I could sure use some family around here. 13. Olivia has become obsessed with learning to write her ABC’s and 123’s. She is currently crying because I told her she was writing the 3 backwards. Maybe she won’t be so sad if I tell her that she really made a capital E in cursive. |
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A conversation
We were driving home from town the other day, when I asked Olivia what she wanted to eat for supper. I usually give her choices so I told her pizza or chicken nuggets. "Can you give me some more choices," Olivia said. I told her mommy was really tired and didn't feel like cooking. "Well," Olivia said. "You could go to McDonald's and cook." Where does she come up with this stuff?!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
1. Tuesday I turned two pictures and three dresses into the County Fair. I went and checked them yesterday and I got four blue ribbons and one red ribbon. 2. The kids got to ride on rides at the Fair for the first time yesterday. I only bought ten tickets thinking it would be enough for 5 rides for Olivia. Paxton decided he wanted to ride too so he went on two rides and Olivia went on three. 3. I like to walk around and watch all the crazy people riding the rides. Olivia begged to ride some of the scariest rides. I told her mommy's heart couldn't take it. I swear I won't be able to be there the day she gets on one. 4. Olivia had her first day of gymnastics yesterday. I really like the facility and her teacher was great. There are only four children in the class. Olivia's favorite part of class: doing the push-ups. 5. My brother and SIL came for supper Tuesday. I didn't know they were coming over to eat so I had to throw a meal together spur of the moment. It actually turned out pretty good. The conversation wasn't bad either. 6. I tried cloth diapers on Paxton for the first time this week. I think I need a bigger size wrap. I'm thinking I would like pocket diapers even better. I need to decide if I want to invest the money in them though. 7. I got my Creative Memories order in today. I got a lot of new products. I can't wait to get started on my Summer Vacation 2006 album. First, I need to get a ton of pictures printed. 8. I love getting packages in the mail. Letters too. It may be juvenile but it makes me smile. 9. Jody comes home tomorrow - hooray!! 10. I love the cooler weather we've been having. It's been getting in the low 80's during the day and high 50's at night. This weather is almost perfect, just needs to be just a little cooler. 11. I've been sleeping with my window open. This morning I awoke to the sound of cows mooing on the ranch. They must be weaning them again. 12. My sister and I are having a contest to see who can work out more. So far she is winning. I haven't worked out once since we started our challenge. 13. I took a two hour nap today trying to get rid of my headache. It worked. It also explains why I'm up at 11:30 finishing my TT. |
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Free time

While walking through the craft department at Wal-Mart yesterday, I spotted a pink fabric with ballet shoes and music notes on sale for $3.00 a yard. I thought it would be perfect for a bag for Olivia's dance shoes. Last night I decided to start my project and ended up staying up until 11:30 getting it finished. I still may add a piece of Velcro to the top to keep it closed. Other than that, I think it turned out ok.
Monday, September 11, 2006
On the list
Olivia is now enrolled in gymnastics on Wednesdays from 10-11am. I hope she loves it. I spent much of the afternoon looking for the leotard that a friend from church who is a gymnast bought Olivia. I know I put it in the top of her closet so we didn't lose it. But it isn't there or anywhere near there when I went to get it out. I have a day and a half to find it. Suddenly this little house feels a whole lot bigger.
Remembering 9/11
It's been 5 years since the attacks on our country. I haven't watched the documentaries and news stories about remembering 9/11. I feel too emotionally raw right now, and I do not need to see the footage and hear the stories to remember. It is still too fresh in my mind. I'm sad for the people who lost their lives and for the people left behind. I am sad that our country will never feel as safe as we once thought it was. I now know that you should take nothing for granted and that you should treasure each day because you never know what tomorrow may bring.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I'm considering enrolling Olivia in gymnastics along with dance. Her once a week dance classes can't come fast enough, and I know she would love doing gymnastics too. I figure that since we aren't paying for preschool, we might as well put her in some other activities. I asked Jody if he thought we could budget it, and he said he doesn't want to let money get in the way of his kids getting to do activities like this. He can sale enough junk to make the $40 for the classes if need be. So tomorrow I'll have to make some calls about classes and schedules.
Gone Again
Jody left for Memphis yet again. He said if they want him to go again next week he is going to decline. This last week was hard on the kids (and I'll admit a little hard on us). Jody is tired of being gone. I'm tired of being a single parent. I've been good and haven't complained. You do what you gotta do to pay the bills, but I miss having my husband home. I am not someone who does well on their own. Don't get me wrong, I'm very independent, but I don't like "being" alone. I want someone to share my day with and someone lying in bed next to me at night. When Jody is away I feel disconnected and alone. I miss my husband. Five more days and he'll be home.
Thursday, September 7, 2006
1. Scrapbook 2. Visit the Juniverse 3. Read a good book 4. Take a nap 5. Stamp cards 6. Bake bread 7. Listen to music 8. Call a friend, or better yet a sister 9. Watch a movie 10. Go fishing 11. Do a puzzle 12. sew 13. Blog (of course) |
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Dancing with the Stars
Anyone who knows Olivia knows how much she loves to dance. We finally got her enrolled in dance classes, and this evening was her first lesson. She got herself dressed and ready to go. It is a requirement for the class that the girls wear their hair in a ponytail. Today was the first time she has ever wore her hair pulled all the way up. She looked to cute!

Olivia is a very serious student. She made sure to mimic the teacher as much as possible. She loved doing first and second position, tapping, tumbling... heck she enjoyed it all!

She already can't wait until her class next week. And she has requested that tomorrow we play dance class. I get to be the teacher and she'll be the student. I should have taken notes in class.
Olivia is a very serious student. She made sure to mimic the teacher as much as possible. She loved doing first and second position, tapping, tumbling... heck she enjoyed it all!
She already can't wait until her class next week. And she has requested that tomorrow we play dance class. I get to be the teacher and she'll be the student. I should have taken notes in class.
I hate bugs!
I was sitting on the floor in Paxton's room reading the kids their scriptures before bed. I looked up and saw a scorpion on Paxton's wall. It's too late to call FIL to kill it and Jody is of no help all the way in Memphis. THIS IS WHY I DON'T LIKE BEING ALONE!!! So I screamed, a lot, and I got the vacuum. And I screamed some more while I sucked it off the wall with the vacuum. And then I screamed some more while I let the vacuum run a little longer hoping to kill the little sucker. The kids found the whole thing rather amusing. They have a sick sense of humor. If I wasn't such a nice person, I would call Jody and wake him up to let him know how much fun I'm having while he's gone.
Sunday, September 3, 2006
Chocolate Milk
On the way home from church I asked Olivia what she learned in her Sunday School class. She said she learned about being grateful. She learned that meat came from pigs and milk came from cows. Then she looked at me with a serious expression and asked, "Do brown cows make chocolate milk?" I couldn't help but laugh. Ah, the innocence of childhood.
Saturday, September 2, 2006
I find it fascinating that my four year old has mastered the technique for opening her child-proof bottle of Flintstone vitamins- a task that some adults struggle with. It makes me wonder, are the bottles more child-proof or adult-proof?
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